Here is a complete list and descriptions for our entire inventory of training courses that we can provide As a Chief Prevention Officer (CPO) Approved training provider, we welcome the opportunity to assist with your Health & Safety needs. All of our safety courses can be customized to your unique environment and can be delivered on-site at your facility at cost effective group rates.
Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC) Part 1 Basic Certification
CPO Approved program - $495.00
Ontario’s Occupational Health & Safety Act (OHSA) requires all workplaces with 20 or more regularly employed workers to have a Joint Health & Safety Committee.
Two of these committee members must be certified (one management representative and one worker representative) as per the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD). Certification requires completion of both Part I (Basic) and Part II (WPS) Certification Training for Joint Health & Safety Committee members.
JHSC Part I Basic Certification is a 3-day program that outlines all aspects of being a Certified Member in a Joint Health and Safety Committee. After completing this program, you will be equipped with the tools you need to become an effective member of your workplace JHSC.
In this program, we cover:
- Legislation, including how to read the OHSA and Regulations (or, “the Green Book”)
- The role of JHSCs
- The identification of and the process through which Health and Safety Hazards affect workers
- The process and the importance of Workplace Inspections
- Completing Accident Investigations and Accident Investigation Reports
- The role of Certified Members in JHSC
Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC) Part 2 Workplace Specific (WPS)
CPO Approved Program - $395.00
Part II of the JHSC Program, Workplace Specific (WPS) completes the certification process. Therefore, when participants pass our WPS program, they become official, Certified Members in their respective workplace JHSCs. Please note that this Certification expires after three years. Before the expiry date, the Refresher program (described below) must be taken to maintain that Certification status.
JHSC Part II Workplace Specific is a 2-day program that focuses on hazards specific to participants’ workplaces, and effective ways to identify those hazards. After completing this program, you will have the knowledge and training to properly ‘Recognize, Assess, Control, and Evaluate (R.A.C.E)’ hazards at your workplace.
In this program, we cover:
- A summary of information from JHSC Part I
- Concepts regarding Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)
- Risks relating to Manual Material Handling (MMH)
- Violence & Harassment and its risk factors in the workplace
- Controlling hazardous energy via Lock-out/Tag-out procedures
- Classes of Industrial Lift Trucks and how to work with and around them safely
- Benefits of proper Housekeeping techniques and the hazards relating to the lack of these techniques
- Slips, Trips, and Falls hazards and control measures
Joint Health & Safety Committee Refresher Training
CPO Approved Program - Contact us for pricing
Joint Health & Safety Committee Refresher Training – CPO Approved Program
JHSC Refresher Training renews the participants’ Certifications for another 3 years. The Refresher program is required by those that completed both Part I & Part II after March 1, 2016 under the new standards. It must be completed three (3) years from the date that the Part II training was completed, then every three (3) years after that date to maintain Certification status.
If you were fully certified under the old standards (prior to March 1, 2016), it is not mandatory to take the Refresher program. However, you may still attend the course to get updated on the current standards and regulations, and all the changes that have taken place in the past few years.
Refresher Training is a 1-day program that reviews previously learned material from JHSC Part I and JHSC Part II, as well as provides updated legislative changes and best practices. At the end of this program, you will be up-to-date with the knowledge you need to maintain your role in your JHSC.
In this program, we cover:
- A review of the Legislation, including the responsibilities and rights of workers and employers
- A review of the role of Certified Members in JHSCs
- A review of the identification of and the process through which Health and Safety Hazards affect workers
- A review of the requirements to give Notices for accidents and injuries
- A review of all of the changes made within the last 3 years to Legislation and Best Practices
WHMIS - GHS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System)
CPO standards - Contact us for pricing
WHMIS - GHS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System – Globally Harmonized System)
This training follows the new WHMIS – Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) components that are being implemented throughout Canada and the rest of the world. December 1, 2018 was the final phase where manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, importers & employers all must use this new system. Employees must also be trained on WHMIS – GHS.
Our program provides an overview of all of the components of WHMIS which, in summary, provide workers with the knowledge they need to handle products and materials safely. After completing this program, you will be WHMIS Certified and be able to competently work with hazardous materials. An annual review of WHMIS should be completed one (1) year after taking this program.
In this program, we cover:
- An overview of what WHMIS is and why it’s important
- Legislation, including Federal and Provincial laws
- Roles and Responsibilities of Suppliers, Employers, and Workers
- Hazard Classifications, Classes, and Categories
- Pictograms and their corresponding classes and categories
- Supplier and Workplace Labels
- Safety Data Sheets, including descriptions of all 16 sections
- Education and Training for workers
WHMIS Plus: Chemicals in the Workplace (Site-Specific Training)
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Our program, WHMIS Plus, focuses on the specific chemicals used in your workplace that you deal with on a daily basis. You may request this training in addition to our standard WHMIS – GHS training. After completing this program, you will be adept at safely handling your job-specific chemicals and significantly decrease the risks associated with them.
Each WHMIS Plus program is a bit different, as it is customized based on each workplace’s chemical products. However, all WHMIS Plus programs will cover:
- The proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for each chemical
- How to Read the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)
- Chemical Handling Procedures
- What to do if a Spill Occurs
Forklift Operator Safety Training
Our Forklift Operator Safety Training program provides both theoretical and competency evaluation. It includes classroom instruction (theory) followed by a hands-on Competency Evaluation to reinforce the theory and specific skills required to safely and efficiently operate the equipment.
After completing this program, you will be competent and feel comfortable with operating your workplace’s forklift(s). Three (3) years from the date of taking this Forklift Operator Safety Training, you are required to re-take this program to maintain your certification.
The first part of this program consists of an in-class training program. This part of the program covers:
- Root causes of Forklift Accidents
- The Responsibilities of Employers, Supervisors, and Workers
- The Rights of Workers
- The different Forklift Classes
- Safe Operational Techniques when operating a Forklift
- Conducting Pre-Shift Inspections
- Legal requirements under the OHSA and Regulations
- CSA Standards regarding various forklift classes and components
- Fuel Sources
- Safety Techniques when Loading Docks and Trailers
- Propane and Battery Safety
The second part of the program consists of our Trainer going to your worksite and evaluating your competency level while operating the Forklift(s) required for your job. This is the practical portion of the program. The cost includes a competency evaluation on 1 class or type of forklift. Additional evaluations will be billed out at our hourly rate.
Please note: We do NOT have powered equipment (a Forklift) at our location.
Book Now Learn MoreMobile Elevated Work Platforms Operator Safety Training
Our Mobile Elevated Work Platforms Operator Safety Training program provides both theoretical and competency evaluation. It includes classroom instruction (theory) followed by a hands-on Competency Evaluation to reinforce the theory and specific skills required to safely and efficiently operate the equipment. After completing this program, you will be competent and feel comfortable with operating your workplace’s Mobile Elevated Work Platform. Three (3) years from the date of taking this Mobile Elevated Work Platforms Operator Safety Training, you are required to re-take this program to maintain your certification.
The first part of this program consists of an in-class training program. This part of the program covers:
- Legal requirements under the OHSA and Regulations
- CSA Standards regarding safe operation of Mobile Elevated Work Platforms
- Hazard identification related to operating Mobile Elevated Work Platforms
- Conducting Pre-Shift Inspections
- Limiting Fall Risks through Fall Arrest Systems
- Ensuring Load Capabilities are not exceeded
- Propane Safety and Cylinder Exchange
The second part of the program consists of our Trainer going to your worksite and evaluating your competency level while operating the Mobile Elevated Work Platforms required for your job. This is the practical portion of the program. The cost includes a competency evaluation on type of Mobile Elevated Work Platforms. Additional evaluations will be billed out at our hourly rate.
Please note: We do NOT have powered equipment (a MEWP) at our location.
Book Now Learn MoreOverhead Crane Operator Safety Training
Our Overhead Crane Operator Safety Training program provides both theoretical and competency evaluation. It includes classroom instruction (theory) followed by a hands-on Competency Evaluation to reinforce the theory and specific skills required to safely and efficiently operate the equipment. After completing this program, you will be competent and feel comfortable with operating your workplace’s Overhead Crane. Three (3) years from the date of taking this Overhead Crane Operator Safety Training, you are required to re-take this program to maintain your certification.
The first part of this program consists of an in-class training program. This part of the program covers:
- Common causes of Overhead Crane Accidents
- Legal requirements under the OHSA and Regulations
- CSA Standards regarding the safe operation of various industrial crane types, including: bridge cranes, jib cranes, gantry cranes, monorails, top running and under slung cranes, and below-the-hook lifting devices
- The Responsibilities of Employers, Supervisors, and Workers
- The Rights of Workers
- Determining Load Weight
- Safe use of Slings
The second part of the program consists of our Trainer going to your worksite and evaluating your competency level while operating the Overhead Crane required for your job. This is the practical portion of the program. The cost includes a competency evaluation on 1 type of overhead crane. Additional evaluations will be billed out at our houry rate.
Please note: We do NOT have powered equipment (an Overhead Crane) at our location.
Book Now Learn MoreOn-site Hands-On Operator Instruction for - Forklift, Overhead Crane, Mobile Elevated Work Platforms
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This Hands-on instruction is designed for Operators New to Lifting Devices or for those with limited experience.
A BULLIVANT Health + Safety professional can be scheduled to come to your facility to provide your inexperienced Operators with hands-on Operator Instruction for your Forklift, Overhead Crane, Mobile Elevated Work Platforms
Let one of BULLIVANTS Health + Safety professionals provide the hands-on instruction your inexperienced operator needs to ensure your organization is protected from Costly and Potentially life-threatening Lifting device accidents.
Contact UsViolence & Harassment + Sexual Harassment
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In 2010, the Occupational Health and Safety Act was amended to include Workplace Violence and Harassment as an Occupational Hazard. Due to this, all provincial workplaces employing over five employees must have an updated workplace Violence & Harassment policy & program. The amendment to the Act also requires the employer to perform a risk assessment for workplace violence, taking into account the nature, type, and conditions of work. Furthermore, in 2016, OHSA was amended, requiring updates, changes and additions to existing Violence & Harassment policies and programs to include Sexual Harassment.
Our program provides a comprehensive overview changes in the OHSA. After completing this program, you will be knowledgeable in the effective management and be able to effectively approach cases of Workplace Violence and Harassment + Workplace Sexual Harassment.
In this program, we cover:
- Violence and Harassment Legislation under the OHSA and Regulations
- Different Types of Harassment
- Structure and Content Required for Violence and Harassment Programs
- Reporting Procedures for reporting Violence and Harassment + Sexual Harassment claims
Health & Safety Representative Training
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Companies that have between 6 and 19 workers are required to have a worker Health & Safety Representative (HSR).
Our program focuses on the duties and role of the HSR. After completing this program, you will be a certified Health and Safety Representative with the applicable expertise to oversee Health and Safety requirements at your workplace.
In this program, we cover:
- The Internal Responsibility System
- Legislative requirements under the OHSA for Employers, Supervisors, and Workers
- Requirements for Workplace Inspections
- Recognizing, Assessing, Controlling, and Evaluating (R.A.C.E) Hazards
- Work Refusal Processes
- Accident Investigations and MLITSD & WSIB Reporting Requirements
Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG)
Transporting Dangerous Goods exposes workers to chemicals, biohazardous materials, and more. Obtaining effective training limits the risks that these hazards pose to workers.
Our Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) program outlines Transport Canada’s legislative requirements under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations. After completing this program, you will be confident in the handling of hazards materials and products. Three (3) years from the date of taking this Transportation of Dangerous Goods Training, you are required to re-take this program to maintain your certification.
In this program, we cover:
- Classification of Dangerous Goods (Schedules 1 & 3)
- Special Provisions (Schedule 2)
- Preparing and Maintaining Shipping Documents
- The use of Labels and Placards
- Safe Handling of Dangerous Goods Procedures
- Emergency Response Action Plan (ERAP)
- Penalties and Fines
Confined Space Entry Hazard Awareness
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Confined Spaces are some of the most hazardous places in a workplace. Failure to identify a confined space, not performing a hazard assessment, or not having a rescue plan in place, can lead to accidents, and even worse, a fatality at your workplace.
Our program goes through Regulation 632/05 to provide an overview of confined spaces and identifying hazards within those confined spaces. After completing this program you will be certified in Confined Space Entry Hazard Awareness and will be able to proficiently prepare for, enter, work in, and exit, the confined spaces at your workplace.
In this program, we cover:
- Defining Confined Spaces
- Legal requirements under the OHSA and Regulations
- The Responsibilities of Employers, Supervisors, and Workers
- The Rights of Workers
- Assessing Hazards (i.e. Physical and Atmospheric)
- Developing Plans
- Training Workers
- Developing Entry and Hot Work Permits
- Rescue Procedures
- Controlling Hazards
- Air Testing Equipment
- Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Respirator Fit Testing
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The Respirator Fit Testing is not a “program”, but is instead a test to ensure that workers’ respirators are functioning properly.
We provide a ‘Qualitative’ method of Respirator Fit Testing which is a straight pass/fail based on the participants sensory response once a challenge agent is added.
Participants are responsible for providing their own respirators and must be clean shaven along the jaw line in order to properly administer a fit test.
Contact UsFall Arrest For Industrial/Manufacturing (non-construction)
Falls are one of the most common causes of workplace accidents and fatalities. Our Fall Arrest program reviews preventative measures with a goal of eliminating all falls in Industrial and Manufacturing workplaces.
After completing this program, you will have the knowledge necessary to prevent the risks of falling on your job site(s). Three (3) years from the date of taking this Fall Arrest Training, you are required to re-take this program to maintain your certification.
In this program, we cover:
- Learning about Falls in the Workplace
- Legal requirements under the OHSA and Regulations
- Identifying Preventative Measures to Eliminate Falls
- Understanding the Duty to have Fall Protection
- Identifying and Understanding Fall Protection Systems
- Learning how to Inspect Fall Protection Equipment
- Identifying the Components of a Fall Protection Plan
Please note: This Fall Arrest program is for Industrial and Manufacturing workplaces. Employees working in construction are required to take Working at Heights Training.
Book Now Learn MoreLockout/Tagout (LOTO)
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Energy sources have the potential to electrocute and therefore significantly harm workers. Our program is designed to ensure employers, management/supervisors, and workers understand the hazards associated with uncontrolled energy hazards and ways in which they can prevent accidents from occurring.
After completing this program, you will have the ability and awareness to lock out and tag out dangerous and risky energy sources. Three (3) years from the date of taking this Lock-out Tag-out Training, you are required to re-take this program to maintain your certification.
In this program, we cover:
- Legal requirements under the OHSA and Regulations
- Identifying Different Energy Sources
- Implementing Control Measures of Hazardous Energies
- Locking Out and Tagging Out Requirements
- Employer-Specific Procedures for Identifying Hazardous Energy Sources
- Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Lockout Processes
- Hazardous Energy Control Programs
- Safe Removal of Locks
- Isolating Energy
Due Diligence for Managers & Supervisors
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Under the OHSA, employers and others in charge of workplaces have a responsibility to keep their employees safe. It is therefore important to fully understand the OHSA and Regulations to ensure that you are taking every precaution reasonable for the safety of your workers.
Our program is designed to provide owners, employers, managers and supervisors with an understanding of how to manage Occupational Health and Safety responsibility and accountability.
After completing this program, you will be well-informed of your responsibilities in the workplace and be able to adequately protect you and your workers from your site-specific risks and hazards.
In this program, we cover:
- Legal requirements under the OHSA and Regulations, including the legal responsibilities of a manager and supervisor representing the employer
- The Rights of Workers
- The Internal Responsibility System
- MLITSD Notices and Enforcement
- Offences and Penalties
- Criminal Negligence
- Accident Investigation Techniques and Reporting
- Record Keeping
- Training Workplace Parties
- Supervisor Awareness in 5 Steps
Emergency Spill Response
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Developing and implementing an effective spills prevention program is the most effective means of reducing the frequency of spill discharges to the environment. If requested, the training can be tailored to your company’s current Spill Response policy and program.
Our program focuses on the prevention, response, and basic treatment of spills of hazardous products. After completing this program, you will be competent in handling the processes following a hazardous spill which has the capability to protect you, your coworkers, and the area surrounding the spill.
In this program, we cover:
- Spill Response Planning
- Identifying and Assessing Risks associated with a Spill
- Steps in Responding to a Spill
- Clean Up of a Spill
- Spill Prevention Concepts and Techniques
Within the in-class program, you will also have the chance to apply the information you have just learned through a practical, hands-on spill response exercise.
Contact UsAccident Investigation
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The OHSA outlines specific steps that must be taken when an accident occurs in the workplace. Understanding what the steps are and how to proceed with them is important in ensuring that these incidents are being handled properly.
The Accident Investigation training should be provided for your Supervisors, Managers & Safety Representatives for companies with 6-19 employees or Joint Health & Safety Committee Members for companies with 20 or more employees. After completing this program, you will have considerable knowledge about Accident Investigations and be able to execute the necessary steps involved with them.
In this program, we cover:
- Two (2) flow charts depicting two (2) different accident scenarios and the processes to deal with each individual event
- Legal requirements under the OHSA and Regulations
- Duties of Managers and Supervisors
- WSIB & Regulation 420 reporting requirements
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), Back Safety, & Manual Material Handling
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Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are a common condition in the workplace which usually stems from repetitive movements or improper handling of materials. The term “MSD” is used collectively for a number of injuries and disorders of the muscles, tendons, nerves, etc.
Our program aims to provide awareness for proper measures to take when manually handling heavy materials to encourage back safety, and limit the risk of injuries (such as MSDs). After completing this program, you will be able to properly lift and move the materials you deal with in your workplace.
In this program, we cover:
- Common Causes and Controls of MSDs
- Introduction to Safe Working Procedures to Handle Material in the Workplace
Worker/Supervisor Awareness Safety Training
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Worker/Supervisor Awareness Safety Training became mandatory on July 1, 2014 for all workers in Ontario. All employees must complete the Worker Awareness Safety Training. Additionally, supervisors must complete the Supervisor Awareness Safety Training. Each employer in Ontario has a responsibility to provide workers with the information and instruction required to perform their job safely.
Our program helps employers fulfill this obligation through providing comprehensive, knowledge-based training that provides an overall summary of Health and Safety in the workplace.
In the Worker Awareness Safety Training, we cover:
- Worker Rights and Responsibilities as outlined in the OHSA and Regulations
- Importance of Safety in the Workplace
- WHMIS and Designated Substances
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Hazard Identification and Types of Hazards
- Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) Roles and Powers
- JHSC Roles
- Right to Refuse Work
- Violence & Harassment
The Supervisor Awareness Safety Training essentially follows the same program outline with the addition of supervisor duties and requirements.
Contact UsTrain the Trainer
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Train the Trainer (TTT) is a program where we train you to teach our program to your workers. We are able to provide TTT for almost all of our courses.
TTT begins with a one-day Adult Learning session which will teach you Adult Learning Principles to ensure your workers receive effective training. Next, we deliver our program to you so that you become familiarized with it. This also takes one day. Finally, our trainer comes back for a third day to have you present the program back to him/her. This final step assures the trainer that you are competently able to train your workers in a way that creates a safe and efficient workplace.
Please contact us for more details if you are interested.
Please note: This training is NOT available for: Joint Health & Safety Committee Certification (Part 1, Part 2, and Refresher), and Working at Heights for Construction.
Contact UsGroup Training at your facility
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We understand that companies may be hesitant to carry out workplace safety training as the cost to shut down lines of production and take workers away from their duties for a day or more is significant. However, it has been shown that the cost of not training can be far more significant. Although it’s true that in order to train your workers properly they will have to miss some time on the job, we are able to limit that production loss by accommodating you.
BULLIVANT Health + Safety is able to provide virtually all of our Occupational Health and Safety Training programs in a group environment at your facility. Depending on the program and the number of participants, most of the time it can be completed all in one day or less.
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