Serving Businesses in Hamilton and Across Ontario
In a workplace of 20 or more regular workers, you must have a Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC), it's the LAW. A company with 20-49 workers requires 2 certified members, 1 management rep and 1 worker rep. A company with 50+ workers requires 4 members (2 certified), 2 management reps and 2 worker reps.
If you have the required amount of certificated members, you may have additional members, that aren't certified, sit on the committee as long as the management reps never out number the worker reps.
BULLIVANT Health + Safety makes it simple to complete the training with this class, JHSC Part 2.
JHSC Certification Part 2
As is our first step, our second step in the JHSC certification process is also Chief Prevention Officer (CPO) approved. It focuses on the participants’ ability to recognize, assess, control and evaluate (RACE) the hazards that are specific to their own workplace. This second step is critical to help participants apply their knowledge outside of the classroom and make your workplace safer.
The second step in JHSC certification must be completed within 1 year of completing JHSC Part 1. BULLIVANT Health + Safety makes it simple to complete this training from our Stoney Creek location. We provide the necessary materials, expert instruction and practical experience your JHSC members need. Joint Health and Safety training will make your committee more effective and focused.
Course Information
JHSC certification Part 2 focuses on refreshing participants about the previous Part 1 class and focuses on the hazards that are more specific to their workplace. JHSC Part 2 also goes more in-depth on serious workplace health and safety topics. Topics covered include:
- Review of Part 1 & HIRA
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Manual material handling
- Violence & harassment
- LOTO & machine guarding
- Lift truck
- Housekeeping
- Slip, trips & falls
What BULLIVANT Health + Safety Provides
BULLIVANT Health + Safety’s commitment to simplify training is evident in the comprehensive materials we provide to the participants of our Joint Health and Safety training program. We provide workplace posters, classroom materials, key regulatory books and more. For JHSC training specifically, our provided materials include:
- Carrying bag, sticky notes, pen, highlighter
- H&S Prevention Starts Here poster
- Form 82 – 1, 2, 3, 4 poster
- ESA poster
- The OH&S Act (the Green book)
- PowerPoint slides
- Participant’s manual
- Guide to WHMIS
- Guide to the JHSC
- Guide to the Occupational Health and Safety Act
Simplified Training with BULLIVANT Health + Safety
Our goal is to make your company’s JHSC training as convenient as possible. We offer regular monthly courses from our Stoney Creek location and try to minimize the time your employees will be away from their duties.
After all training is successfully completed, we will provide a proof of completion certificate for all participants who both attended the course and met the completion standards, for your due diligence purposes. Documenting your training is even easier as BULLIVANT Health + Safety is a member of the Skills Pass system.
The Benefits of JHSC Certification
At least two of your JHSC members must be certified by law. One must represent management and the other must represent workers. Proper JHSC training has many benefits for your workplace and company. JHSC members who have been properly trained can direct your committee members to be more effective and efficient during meetings, hazard assessments, workplace inspections and more. Worker reps on the committee also serve as a liaison between management and workers and are really the workers voice to management.
If you have questions about the JHSC certification Part 2 course or would like to sign up your employees, reach out to us at BULLIVANT Health + Safety today.