The upcoming Ministry of Labour Blitz and Provincial Initiatives will be focusing on all industries and many different areas.
In 2018 the MOL is expected to hire over 100 inspectors specifically to handle the new Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, so employers must also make sure they're compliant with the act.
The schedule is not yet complete for the all of 2018 but employees should be ready for a knock on their door anytime from a MOL inspector.
View the upcoming schedule here
What you can do to prepare before the visit
- Be proactive: identify the hazards in your workplace that can cause injury or illness and establish a plan for how these hazards will be managed and mitigated
- Get some help from your health and safety training provider to determine what workplace safety training your staff requires to ensure compliance with the MOL regulations and laws, before the inspector arrives at your workplace
- Perform your own workplace audit to see where the problems and potential problems are and take the appropriate measure to eliminate or mitigate the problems
- Have your policies, procedure, H&S manuals and safety training in place and up to date before an inspector knocks on your door
- Make sure your Health & Safety Board is in place and contains all the required information and documentation
- Post inspection - Correct any deficiencies identified by a Ministry of Labour inspector in a timely manner as set by the inspector
- Work with the inspector to ensure that you understand the requirements and also the time frames in which to complete any orders given
In Ontario there is a zero tolerance for non-compliance with an MOL inspector. If you are found to be resistant or are not completely honest with them, the Ministry of Labour will prosecute you in some form.
MOL inspectors are just people like you and I and they are doing a job, just like you and I. You should work with your inspector to show your willingness to become compliant with the regulations and laws that govern workplaces around Ontario.
During the visit
- Ensure all required documentation is available to the ministry inspector.
- Ensure supervisor and worker health and safety representative are available.
- Ensure the workplace parties co-operate with the ministry inspector.
The inspector will focus on:
- compliance with the OHSA and its regulations.
- health and safety programs and policies related to the blitz topic, if applicable.
- Internal Responsibility System (IRS) training requirements and any deficiencies.
- record of injuries, including blitz/initiative related issues/hazards.
- workplace specific hazards related to the blitz/initiative.
Note: Inspectors can legally enter a project or workplace at any time without warrant or prior notice (OHSA section 54(1)(a)). An inspector will identify himself/herself by means of ministry identification. No person shall hinder, obstruct, molest or interfere with or attempt to hinder, obstruct, molest or interfere with an inspector in the exercise of a power or the performance of a duty under this act or the regulations or in the execution of a warrant issued under this act or the Provincial Offences Act with respect to a matter under this act or the regulations.