The Ministry of Labour runs continuous workplace blitzes and initiatives to constantly enforce the Occupational Health & Safety Act. Check out the upcoming blitz dates and the blitz focus.
They will also be continuing their inspections on Group Homes and their usual sectors of construction, industrial, healthcare, mining plus a cross sector focus.
“Group homes” are primarily engaged in providing residential care for people who require care or support, including people with developmental disabilities, mental health disabilities or substance abuse problems. They include intensive supported residences, supported group living residences and other facilities that provide support to clients and residents in residential settings.
Be sure to be open and honest with the inspectors and you'll find that they will be open to helping you succeed in becoming compliant with the laws and regulations. Download a copy of 'Dealing with Safety Inspectors' and use it as a resource for your company.
Construction initiatives
Personal protective equipment (PPE)………………………..February 3 to March 13, 2020
Health care initiatives
Group Homes (All facets of their H&S system)…………… February 3 to March 13, 2020
Industrial initiatives
Machine guarding……………………………………………………..February 17 to March 31, 2020
Mining initiatives
Emergency preparedness self-audit……………………………February 3 to March 27, 2020
Cross-sector initiatives
Ergonomics………………………………………………………… April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020
Group Homes……………………………………………… February 3 to March 13, 2020
Inspectors will focus on the following key priorities in Group Homes:
- the internal responsibility system, including engaging senior leadership to strengthen leadership accountability and compliance with their legislated duties under the OHSA
- workplace violence
- musculoskeletal disorders
- exposures to hazardous biological, chemical and physical agents/infection prevention and control issues
Email us or give us a call at 905.664.4943 or toll free at 888.712.7197 if you have any questions about your workplace training requirements.