Beginning on February 1, 2019, BULLIVANT Health + Safety will be part of the Skills Pass network.
What does this mean to you?

When you train with BULLIVANT Health + Safety, you will be able to access your valid training records anywhere, anytime, electronically!
We are part of the SkillsPass network.

Employer benefits
 when working with BULLIVANT Health + Safety on the SkillsPass network:

  • Safety training data at your fingertips… No need to track through a stack of paper or binders
  • Training records in one simple report... SkillsPass aggregates employee training data, collecting credentials issued by BULLIVANT Health + Safety (via SkillsPass) in your very own SkillsPass portal where you can filter, sort, and prioritize that data how it could work for your workforce
  • Provide a clear line-of-sight to individual workers without losing the big-picture view of your entire workforce
  • Print / re-print certs. with one click if necessary
  • Automated record-keeping gets rid of manually “inputting”  new records; a worker’s training records are securely stored on SkillsPass cloud-based system
  • Any authorized member of your organization can get real-time access to valid credentials allowing cross-organization tracking and sharing. 
  • Go digital!  SkillsPass issues every worker their own unique QR code in the system. Anyone who scans this code can get a complete picture of that worker’s certifications in real-time. It is printable but also accessible by phone; no more lost wallet cards!
  • Notifications for re-training.  The employer will receive three notifications via email before your certification is set to expiry. SkillsPass will send you a reminder at 60 days, 30 days, and 2 weeks before the expiry date, giving you ample time to schedule your re-training with BULLIVANT Health + Safety.
  • Mandated Ministry of Labour training records will soon be shared via SkillsPass to the provincial regulators in real time, eliminating the wait for hard copies and ensuring your compliance.