
10 Seats Available!

See other available dates
Start Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2022
End Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Time: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

This course will be an instructor led, virtual session so you can keep your participants safely away while still getting the highest quality, instructor led class.

BULLIVANT Health + Safety will provide a complete Virtual Due Diligence Training for Supervisors & Managers program delivered to your Supervisors & Managers which will include:

  • Legal requirements under the OHSA and Regulations, including the legal
    responsibilities of a manager and supervisor representing the employer
  • The Rights of Workers
  • The Internal Responsibility System
  • MOL Notices and Enforcement
  • Offences and Penalties
  • Criminal Negligence
  • Accident Investigation Techniques and Reporting
  • Record Keeping
  • Training Workplace Parties
  • Supervisor Awareness in 5 Steps


All course materials will be delivered digitally to each participant.

Participants are required to have working microphone and camera on their computer in order to attend.